Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Which Holiday Do You Like Better?

Which Holiday Do You Like Better? Christmas or Thanksgiving? Comment this post telling us which one you like and why!


Lauriela and Sophia said...

i love christmas & thanksgiving b/c me b day around zat day and get alot of money and xmas b/c i get za best presents

I love Christmas, though during thanksgiving you spend time with family as well, I have more Christmas memories. The gift giving is a plus, too. Its the only time where I can see MOST of my cousins.
~Lauriela <3

Ushnola said...

Christmas... not just for the presents but because of winter break.. and Family Gathering...

~Noelazara :]

Cindy.♥_♥.Tricia said...

Christmas because of the presents, the family getting together and my b-day is 4 days after! Plus, NO SCHOOL!
♥Cindy (Usingha)

Christmas is my fave holiday because the presents of course! But no, it's not only about that there's family gatherings, decorating the tree and around the house and, food too!!!
♥Tricia (No false name, it's just Tricia)

Lauriela and Sophia said...

we WOnder? Who put no not really on your post?
do u k?