Tuesday, December 16, 2008

ATTENTION! New Ushnolean Holiday!!!

Attention everyone, there's a new Ushnolean Holiday! It called Fliparoo (pronounced: flih-puh-roo)
Day! Here are some facts about this holiday:

♥ Is celebrated the 15th of every month
♥ Can be celebrated by ANYBODY
♥ It's crazy and fun!
♥ The purpose of it is to be anyone you chose, for a day.

Here's how our Fliparoo Day went: S.3. and Sashley Sodas all celebrated this holiday along with 2 girls from our class. Usingha was Lauriela for the day, Sashley was Noelazara , Lauriela was Usingha and Noelazara was Sashely. It was soooo much fun and it was hilarious. We all imitated each other, we even sat in each others seat for the day and we switched book bags. It was so cool! You should try celebrating this holiday with your friends too, just remember it's on the 15th of every month!


Ushnola said...

LOL you introduced the holiday so well. You are a great writer. =]
It was harder than I thought like the walking and laughing. Can't wait till next 15th in 2009. Wow we are going to have to get really use to writing that in our headings. Well atleast Ik i will.

Lauriela and Sophia said...

OH btw that was Lauriela who wrote that comment

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling ridiculous, but I just figured out who Sashley Sodas is. I love her! Please give all of yourselves hugs for me!

Ushnola said...

Omg I wanna be Laura this month... Lol That was fun,, But weird... Ms. Chakravarty, we missed you sooo much we want our teacher back.

Ushnola said...

btw its Noelazara