Saturday, September 19, 2009

Friends I've Made in H.S. so far.....

♥Tamara- Met her on the first day, she's so funny
♥Alexus- Met her on the second day, she's a Jonas Brothers FREAK!!!
♥Devon- I don't even remember when I met him but he's so crazy (u have no idea) LOL!
♥Essence- She's a Senior and I met her during lunch
♥Alisha-I knew her from I.S. 171. She travels with me to school, once in a while.
♥Kerisha- She likes calling Tamara, turkey bacon (I have no idea why). I guess it's because we call her curry chicken.
♥Kiara- She's a 10th grader that I have gym with.
♥Sasha- Another 10th grader that I have Chemistry with.
♥Latoya- A 10th grader I have Chemistry with too.
♥Nala- A girl I met in Career and Finance and also Global History.
♥Kshawn- He's another 10th grader, I met in Geometry.
♥Nia- She LOVES to laugh and she loves eating Chocolate Chip cookies for lunch. Without them she'll probably go crazy!
♥Merrian- She's Nia's friend, and she's really quiet.
♥Zainab- One of my group partners in Career and Finance Management class.
♥Jacinta- She's another 10th grader I met in Chemistry.
♥Charles- He's just one funny kid!
♥Ricky- Charles' friend and another funny person. LOL!
♥Christine- A girl I met in my Career and Finance class and Global History.
Well these are all of the people I've met so far. Eventually I'll probably meet some more. = D


Baba Y Nana said...

I saw Alysha once and she said you were sooo KOOL
