Friday, May 22, 2009

The One and Only Lauriela Practicing the Dance...

Lauriela kept looking to her side because she wasn't sure about the moves and she looked at Usingha to make sure she was doing it all right. But hey no body's perfect and it was just practice!


Ushnola said...

That was so0ooo cute! I love her expression... =D

Ushnola said...

btw its Noelazara

Ushnola said...

I love her hair to the side! She looks adorable. Hehehe...

Ushnola said...

yea HEHE...

Ushnola said...

Is ppl tlkin bout me....
NOOOOOO i don't want a vid of me
ummmmm yeah she i just put a lil of tracy dancin...fav parts
someone answer plzzz o0o0o i have a gift for u guys don't worry u'll know wat im tlkin bout
ok i'll go
btw bored
~GuEss Who =P <3
[Hint: la ] hehehohohaha