Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm Back!!!

Sryy I haven't posted like in a loooooooong time! My computer was having some technical difficulties before I went to Guyana and when I came back it was still having problems, soooo I finally fixed it! And Guyana was sooooo much fun! I had a blast and also got a tan. LOL!


Lauriela and Sophia said...

Finally u got to put a post i hope the computer gets better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bangs! Since when do you have bangs, trouble maker?

Ushnola said...

I decided to go for a new look so I got bangs for the new school year and now so does Noelazara! Now only Lauriela is left to get bangs!

~Usingha/Trouble Maker =D