Saturday, January 31, 2009

Check these out...

Here are some other websites you should check out:
These websites are TTLY (totally) cool. So check them out today!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

♥♥♥Valentine's Day Is Coming!♥♥♥

Hurray! Valentines Day is around the corner and love is in the air! S.3. wants YOU to send in Valentine poems, as comments or even an e-mail. Who knows your poem can end up on S3 always! If you're sending an e-mail, send it to!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today we took the E.L.A test. It was a piece of cake umm talking about cake I want some.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

Today Barack Obama, officially became our President of the United States. He is ready for some change in the U.S.A. and so are we!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Isn't this cute???

Happy Fliparoo Day!

Today was sooooo much fun! We had so much fun being one another that the day went speedy fast. Usingha was Sashley Sodas, Sashley was Usingha, Noelazara was Lauriela and Lauriela was Noelazara. We sat in each other's seat, we tried to dress like each other and the most funniest was that we tried to act and talk like one another! It was hilarious. How did your fliparoo day go? I hope that it was as much fun as ours was!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Ushnola Day! Today was the best Ushnola Day for Lauriela! During lunch they served her favorite food... Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and French Fries! Anyways tomorrow is Fliparoo Day! Hurray! Can't wait! In case you don't know what Fliparoo Day is, it's the 15th of every month and on this day you try to act like your friends! Cool huh? Stay tuned tomorrow to find out how our Fliparoo Day went.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Friday, January 2, 2009

Results for the Poll...

Here are the results for the poll, "Did you enjoy the year 2008?"

♥ 2 people or 50% said yes
♥0 said nope
♥2 people or 50% said kind of
♥0 people said other

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone! Hope this year is better than the last year!